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Table 1 Summary of 8 cases of Berry syndrome diagnosed prenatally

From: Innovative cardiovascular casting technique features the complex malformation of berry syndrome


Maternal age

Gestational age

Prenatal diagnosis

Postpartum outcome

Postpartum image

Xin Zhang et al.



Berry syndrome, the RPA originate from the posterior wall of the AAO, with normal origin of the left pulmonary artery (LPA), and a 7.4 mm defect was found between the aorta AO and MPA.A bidirectional shunt between the AAO and MPA. The transverse aortic arch was hypoplastic, coarctation of the aorta (COA)

Termination in late pregnancy and made fetal autopsy


Xin Zhang et al.



Berry syndrome, the 3VV and 3VT views revealed a 4.5 mm defect between the AO and the MPA.

Terminated and fetal autopsy


Xin Zhang et al.



Berry syndrome with 3VV and 3VT of fetal echocardiogram showed a 5.0 mm APW

Terminated the pregnancy but did not agree to an autopsy


Xin Zhang et al.



Berry syndrome, the fetal echocardiogram revealed a 3.5 mm APW, the origin of RPA from the posterior wall of the AAO, and type A IAA.

Lost to follow-up


Yang et al.



Berry syndrome, AAO was not connected to DAO and SVC was found on the left of PA. The presence of interrupted arch and intact ventricular septum was concerning for coexisting APW. An IAA (type A) was confirmed.

requested a termination of late pregnancy and agreed to an autopsy.


Sunil.Ghelani et al.



A fetal echocardiogram at 25 weeks’ gestation demonstrated the constellation

of Berry syndrome

Surgical repair was performed at 13 days of age.


O Poujada et al.


24 + 4

Berry syndrome, a perfusion from the AOO to the PA and IAA. The DA was directly connected to the DAO. The origins of the LPA were spread apart, assuming a shape similar to the barbs of a catfish on fetal echocardiography

Surgical repair was performed on the second day and thirteenth day after deliery respectively .


Jiang Wu et al.



Berry syndrome, A 6-mm defect between the AO and pulmonary trunk in the left outflow tract and aortic arch was detected. Bidirectional shunt flow, indicating an APW). Normal locations of the AO and PA; the RPA originated from the AAO, and the LPA originated from the pulmonary trunk; A gradual decrease in the aortic diameter and IAA after the origin of its 3 branches. The DAO was connected to the DA, which originated from the PA trunk; An intact ventricular septum and normal mitral and tricuspid valves were shown

The neonate developed pneumonia and heart failure and died 63 days postnatally after his family stopped

all treatments.


  1. PW: aortopulmonary window; Ao: aorta; MPA: main pulmonary artery; IAA: interrupted aortic arch, LPA: left pul-monary artery, RPA: right pulmonary artery; PDA: patent ductus arteriosus; DAO: descending aorta.2 H. BU AND T. ZHAO