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Table 1 Table of extracted details and descriptions

From: A scoping review of the reasons for and approaches to non-uptake of pertussis and influenza vaccinations in pregnant women in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Extracted details


Citation details

Author, year

Article type

Type of research article


United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and/or others that included UK or ROI


Objective of record


Details of the context, including location of care, geographical location, cultural, ethnic and gender factors


Characteristics and total numbers of participants


The system of methods used

Reasons for non-uptake of vaccine(s)

Detailed reasons for non-uptake of vaccine(s)

Approaches to non-uptake of vaccines(s)

Detailed approaches to non-uptake of vaccine(s), interpreted as direct methods as well as deduced methods

Specificity for pertussis vaccine

Record specifically for pertussis vaccine

Specificity for influenza vaccine

Record specifically for influenza vaccine

Relevant to both vaccines

Records relevant to both vaccines

Gaps in research

Possible gaps in current knowledge that could be addressed in future research

Acceptance and accessibility of vaccines

Factors that influenced the acceptance and/or accessibility of vaccines

Healthcare provider factors

Factors that influenced non-uptake of vaccines that involved the healthcare provider

Organisation initiatives and awareness campaigns

Factors at organisational levels and/or awareness campaigns that influenced non-uptake of vaccines

Ethnicity, socio-economic status, and information interpretation factors

Factors that included ethnicity, socio-economic status and information interpretation issues concerning language and other elements, that influenced non-uptake of vaccines

Pregnancy-related factors

Factors about pregnancy itself, including parity, maternal age, vaccination in previous pregnancy and presence of at-risk conditions, that influenced non-uptake