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Table 4 Comparison of birth outcomes between the sex-discordant and sex-concordant twins (combined pre-pandemic and cohorts)

From: Reduction in spontaneous and iatrogenic preterm births in twin pregnancies during COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia: a multicenter cohort study

Per infantb

Infants from sex concordant pairs

Infants from sex discordant pairs

P value

n = 3158

n = 1375

Median gestational age in wk, daysa



 < 0.0001

Birthweight in g, mean (SD)

2202.7 (673.6)

2352.0 (640.7)

 < 0.0001

All-cause stillbirths, n (%)

60 (1.9)

17 (1.2)


Preterm birth 37 wk, n (%)

2309 (73.1)

779 (56.7)

 < 0.001

Iatrogenic birth for suspected fetal compromise, n (%)

613 (19.4)

217 (15.8)

 < 0.001

  1. SD, standard deviation, wk Weeks
  2. aThe rank sum test was used to calculate the P value for the median gestational age of twins
  3. b1 pair with missing information on sex concordance is excluded. The denominator used was total infants (livebirths + stillbirths)