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Table 1 Sociodemographic sample characteristics, obstetric and neonatal outcomes of mothers who attended antenatal classes (n = 289)

From: What do mothers think about their antenatal classes? A mixed-method study in Switzerland

Characteristics and obstetric and neonatal outcomes

CHUV Antenatal classes

Questionnaire completion time since birth (days), M ± SD

467.40 ± 210.28

Maternal age at birth (years), M ± SD (no missing data)

32.8 ± 4.13

Country of origin, n (%)

(no missing data)


169 (58.5%)

 European Union (UE)

105 (36.3%)

 Europe except UE

7 (2.4%)


4 (1.4%)

 Other countries

4 (1.4%)

Civil Status, n (%)

(One missing data)

 Single/ Separate/Divorced/Widow

93 (32.3%)

 Married / In common-law

195 (67.7%)

Educational background, n (%)

(One missing data)

 Primary education/ Secondary education or other level

8 (2.8%)


55 (19.1%)

 Higher secondary education

13 (4.5%)

 University or higher education

212 (73.6%)

Mode of birth, n (%)

(no missing data)

 Elective caesarean

16 (5.5%)

 Emergency caesarean

44 (15.2%)


35 (12.1%)

 Vacuum extraction

20 (6.9%)

 Spontaneous birth

174 (60.2%)

Induction of labour, n (%) (40 missing data)

94 (37.8%)

Oxytocin augmentation of labour, n (%) (40 missing data)

45 (17.0%)

Analgesia, n (%)

(no missing data)


12 (4.2%)

 Local anaesthesia, Pudendal Nerve Block, EMONO (Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen 50%/50%)

49 (17.0%)


195 (67.5%)

 Spinal anaesthesia

32 (11.1%)

 General anaesthesia

1 (0.3%)

NICU admission

24 (8.3%)

  1. M ± SD Mean ± Standard Deviation, NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit