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Table 3 Multivariate logistic analysis of factors predicting successful TOLAC in the training set

From: Evaluation of factors that predict the success rate of trial of labor after the cesarean section


OR (95%CI)

P value

Parity (1 vs > 1)

8.06 (4.63, 14.01)

 < 0.001

Pre-pregnancy BMI (< 24 vs ≥ 24)

2.40 (1.40, 4.14)


Cervix Bishop score (≥ 5 vs < 5)

3.46 (2.15, 5.56)

 < 0.001

Past vaginal delivery history (Yes vs No)

12.17 (3.49, 42.48)

 < 0.001

Neonatal birth weight (< 3300 g vs ≥ 3300 g)

4.44 (2.59, 7.62)

 < 0.001