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Table 2 Participants’ response to the Arabic version of the PASS scale (N=217)

From: Validation of the Arabic version of the Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) among antenatal and postnatal women

PASS Items

Not at all

N (%)


N (%)


N (%)

Almost Always

N (%)

Total anxiety score (μ=41.02; SD=20.55)

1.Worry about baby/pregnancy

69 (31.80)

79 (36.41)

46 (21.20)

23 (10.63)

2.Fear that harm will come to the baby

78 (35.94)

78 (35.94)

40 (18.43)

21 (9.68)

3.A sense of dread that something will come to the baby

56 (25.81)

65 (29.91)

32 (14.75)

64 (29.49)

4.Worry about many things

55 (25.35)

88 (40.55)

41 (18.89)

33 (15.21)

5.Worry about the future

56 (25.81)

62 (28.57)

27 (12.44)

72 (33.18)

6.Feeling overwhelmed

35 (15.67)

5 (23.50)

33 (15.21)

99 (45.62)

7.Really strong fears about things (needles, blood, birth, pain)

45 (20.74)

72 (33.18)

53 (24.2)

47 (21.66)

8.Sudden rush of extreme fear or discomfort

30 (13.82)

59 (27.19)

46 (21.20)

82 (37.79)

9.Repetitive thoughts that are difficult to stop or control

44 (20.28)

70 (32.26)

38 (17.51)

65 (29.95)

10.Difficulty sleeping even when I have the chance to sleep

33 (15.21)

72 (33.18)

42 (19.35)

70 (32.26)

11. Having to do things in a certain way or order

35 (16.93)

78 (35.94)

52 (23.96)

52 (23.96)

12.Wanting things to be perfect

68 (31.34)

53 (24.24)

51 (23.50)

45 (20.74)

13.Needing to be in control of things


65 (29.95)

50 (23.04)

45 (20.74)

14.Difficulty stopping checking things over and over

42 (19.35)

73 (33.64)

36 (16.39)

66 (30.41)

15.Feeling jumpy or easily startled

33 15.21)

58 (26.73)

42 (19.35)

84 (38.71)

16.Concerns about repeated thoughts

39 (17.97)

77 (35.48)

38 (17.51)

63 (29.0)

17. Being on guard or needing to do watch out for things

60 (27.65)

89 (41.01)

32 (14.75)

36 (16.59)

18.Upset about repeated memories, dreams, or nightmares

40 (18.43)

61 (28.11)

30 (13.82)

86 (39.63)

19.Worry that I will embarrass myself in front of others

34 (15.67)

58 (26.73)

34 (15.67)

91 (41.94)

20.Fear that others will judge me negatively

36 (16.59)

58 (26.73)

28 (12.90)

95 (43.78)

21.Feeling really uneasy in crowds

31 (14.29)

46 (21.20)

29 (13.36)

111 (51.15)

22.Avoiding social activities because I might be nervous

26 (11.98)


27 (12.44)

121 (55.76)

23. Avoiding things which concern me

53 (24.24)

59 (27.19)

44 (20.28)

61 (28.11)

24.Feeling detached like watching yourself in a movie

28 (12.90)

32 (14.75)

14 (6.45)

143 (65.90)

25.Loosing track of time and can’t remember what happened

31 (14.29)

54 (24.88)

25 (11.52)

107 (49.31)

26.Difficulty adjusting for recent changes

34 (15.67)

49 (22.58)

33 (15.21)

101 (46.54)

27.Anxiety getting in the way of being able to do things

32 (14.75)

79 (36.41)

37 (17.05)

69 (31.80)

28.Racing thoughts making it hard to concentrate

33 (15.21)

68 (1.34)

43 (19.82)

73 (33.64)

29.Fear of losing control

36 (16.59)

59 (27.19)

34 (15.67)

88 (40.55)

30.Feeling panicky

26 (11.98)

45 (20.74)

26 (11.98)

120 (55.30)

31.Feeling agitated

25 (11.52)

37 (17.05)

27 (12.44)

128 (58.99)