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Table 2 Effect of Thrombocytopenia for the Calculated Blood Loss in the Mixed-effect Model in 465 Patients

From: Preoperative moderate thrombocytopenia is not associated with increased blood loss for low-risk cesarean section: a retrospective cohort study

Model a

95% confidence interval (ml)


−31.06 to 37.67

2 b

−31.09 to 37.69

3 b

−29.32 to 40.28

4 b

−29.05 to 45.17

5 b

−28.34 to 46.09

  1. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index;
  2. a The reference group in the mixed-effect models was the control group
  3. b Model 1: blood loss~ thrombocytopenia, Model 2: blood loss~ thrombocytopenia + operation duration, Model 3: blood loss~ thrombocytopenia + operation duration + BMI, Model 4: blood loss~ thrombocytopenia + operation duration + BMI + anesthesia method, Model 5: blood loss~ thrombocytopenia + operation duration + BMI + anesthesia method + gestational weeks