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Table 1 Overview of the of the iCBT step-1 week by week for the woman and her partner

From: A longitudinal, multi-centre, superiority, randomized controlled trial of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) versus treatment-as-usual (TAU) for negative experiences and posttraumatic stress following childbirth: the JUNO study protocol




Week 1

Information, psychoeducation, breathing retraining

Take part of the material, facilitate, make time, homework reminder

Week 2

Vignettes, common symptoms, fear and avoidance

Discuss the information, remind and encourage practicing

Week 3

Depressive symptoms, significance of relations,“ reflective listening”

Reflective listening, encourage talk about childbirth, remind/encourage practice

Week 4

Exposure, talking about the childbirth

Watch pictures & movies, talk about the experiences, support practice

Week 5

Managing anxiety and depressive symptoms, psychological health, values, recovery

Talk about values, psychological health, and relaxing high demands

Week 6

Summary, repetition and relapse prevention

Talk about the information, make time to summarize, maintenance plan

  1. Note. The content is identical for the partner and the mother except that the partner has additional information with instructions on what to do, discuss, facilitate etc
  2. 1Every week contains homework assignments based on the content of the module