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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the trial population

From: The MOVE-trial: Monocryl® vs. Vicryl Rapide™ for skin repair in mediolateral episiotomies: a randomized controlled trial


Monocryl (n = 64)

Vicryl Rapide (n = 67)

Age (years ± SD)

31.5 ± 4.5

30.8 ± 4.4


57 (89%)

58 (87%)

Birth weight (gram ± SD)

3470 ± 361

3489 ± 500

Duration 2nd stage (minutes ± SD)

40 ± 29

39 ± 27

Direct Occiput Posterior Position

4 (6%)

2 (3%)

Ventouse delivery

7 (11%)

19 (28%)

Gestational age (weeks ± SD)

40 + 1 ± 8.9 days

40 + 1 ± 8.6 days

Apgar score 1 min (mean± SD)

9 ± 0.79

9 ± 0.80

Apgar score 5 min (mean± SD)

10 ± 0.83

10 ± 0.46

  1. Continuous variables are given as means with standard deviations [SD]. Categorical variables are given as frequencies with percentages, n (%)