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Table 6 Associated psychosocial issues for women with an EDS ≤ 12 at booking compared to those with an EPDS ≥13

From: Obstetric and psychosocial risk factors for Australian-born and non-Australian born women and associated pregnancy and birth outcomes: a population based cohort study


EPDS ≤12

EPDS of ≥13



Mental health vulnerability risk

55.4 %

100 %


1.8 (1.74–1.87)

Thoughts of self harm

0.5 %

15.6 %


38.35 (18.4–79.87)

Domestic violence – any

2.2 %

14.1 %


7.31 (4.20–12.72)

Smoking risk

10.3 %

11.9 %


1.17 (0.69–2.01)

Illegal drug use risk

0.6 %

0.0 %


0.99 (0.99–1.00)

Alcohol consumption risk

0.5 %

0.0 %


1.00 (0.99–1.00)

Childhood abuse

8.4 %

18.5 %


2.49 (1.58–3.93)

Pregnancy related anxiety risk

1.6 %

11.9 %


8.52 (4.63–15.68)

Work/relationship effect risk

6.6 %

36.3 %


8.10 (5.51–11.90)

Anxiety/depression risk

12.2 %

51.1 %


7.56 (5.28–10.81)

Worried about mess risk

9.5 %

37.0 %


5.62 (3.86–8.16)

Positive response to ‘are you generally confident’ question

97.8 %

85.2 %


0.13 (0.07–0.22)

Recent worry/stress risk

22.1 %

63.7 %


6.20 (4.31–8.91)

Emotional support risk

3.1 %

10.4 %


3.61 (1.99–6.56)

Mental health disorder

1.7 %

0.7 %


0.43 (0.06–3.13)

Family history of mental health disorder

11.6 %

11.1 %

