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Table 2 Cluster, Household level and characteristics of currently pregnant women (PW) and recently delivered mothers (RDM)

From: Reproductive healthcare utilization in urban poor settlements of Delhi: Baseline survey of ANCHUL (Ante Natal and Child Health care in Urban Slums) project

Cluster level

N = 39 clusters

Mean cluster size (range) by households present

416 (254, 517)

Mean cluster size (range) by population

1584.3 (704, 2099)

Median vulnerability score (IQR)

2 (2, 4)

At least 1 Anganwadi centre (%)

35 (89.7)

At least 1 NGO present (%)

19 (48.7)

At least 1 clinic (registered/unregistered)

30 (76.9)

At least one pharmacy (%)

13 (33.3)

Mean distance (km) to PUHC(SD)

0.66 (0.32)

Household level

N = 13451 households

á…ŸMean family size (SD)

4.58 (2.02)

á…ŸConcrete household structure (%)

11256 (83.7)

á…ŸPiped water supply within household (%)

10944 (81.4)

á…ŸMetered Electricity supply (%)

13157 (97)

á…ŸClosed drainage (%)

2730 (20.3)

á…ŸToilet within household (%)

11720 (87)

Religion (%)


  Hindu and other religion

11687 (86.9)


764 (13.1)

Caste (%)



5590 (41.6)

  Scheduled caste/tribe

5135 (38.2)

  Backward class

2726 (20.1)

Family type (%)



10723 (79.7)


2351 (17.5)


377 (2.8)

Socio economic position (Obtained from quintiles of SEP score ranging from −4.87 to 6.40)



2572 (19.1)


2808 (20.8)


2690 (20)


2689 (19.99)

  Least poor

2692 (20.01)

Living in Delhi >10 yrs

12128 (90.2)

Living in the same locality >5 yrs

11316 (84.3)

Living in the same house >5 yrs

8710 (64.8)

Pregnant women(PW)

N = 594

á…ŸMean age (SD)

24.3 (3.84)

á…ŸLiterate (%)


á…ŸHomemaker (%)

576 (97)

ᅟMarriage after 18 yrs of age (%)

470 (79.1)

á…ŸPrimigravida (%)

202 (34)

á…ŸGestation period in months (SD)

5.6 (2.34)

á…ŸFirst trimester (%)

140 (23.6)

Recently delivered women (RDM)

N = 596

á…ŸMean age (SD)

24.9 (4)

á…ŸLiterate (%)

521 (87.4)

á…ŸHomemaker (%)

584 (98)

á…ŸFirst child (%)

214 (34.9)

á…ŸMedian time since childbirth (IQR)

3 (1.8) months