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Table 1 DHS empowerment items and aggregate codes

From: Women’s empowerment and male involvement in antenatal care: analyses of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in selected African countries


Item label

DHS question

DHS response categories

Aggregate recodes used in analysisa


Women’s income relative to partner

Would you say that the money you earn is more than what your partner earns, less, or about the same?b

1 = more than him;

Code = 1 if Q1 = 1 or 3

2 = less than him;

Code = 1 if she’s sole earner

3 = about the same;

Code = 0 if Q1 = 2e

4 = partner doesn’t bring in money

Code = 0 if woman does not earn, partner does

Code = 0 if neither earn

Decision on woman’s income use

Who usually decides how the money you earn will be used?b

1 = respondent

Code = 1 if Q2 = 1 or 2

2 = jointly

Code = 0 if Q2 = 3-6c,e

4 = partner

Code = 0 if does not earn cash

Decision on partner’s income use

Who usually decides how your partner’s earnings will be used?

1 = respondent

Code = 1 if Q3 = 1 or 2

2 = jointly

Code = 0 if Q3 = 3-7c,e

4 = partner

7 = partner doesn’t bring in money

Decision on household purchases

Who usually makes decisions about major household purchases?

1 = respondent

Code = 1 if Q4 = 1 or 2

2 = jointly

Code = 0 if Q4 = 3-6c,e

4 = partner


Decision on family visits

Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives?

1 = respondent

Code = 1 if Q5 = 1 or 2

2 = jointly

Code = 0 if Q5 = 3-6c,e

4 = partner

Decision on own health care

Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself?

1 = respondent

Code = 1 if Q6 = 1 or 2

2 = jointly

Code = 0 if Q6 = 3-6c,e

4 = partner

Attitudes on partner violence

Is a husband justified in hitting/beating his wife in the following situations?d

1 = yes

Code = 1 if all five Q8’s = 0

0 = no

Code = 0 if at least 1 Q8 = 1


Home ownership

Do you own this or any other house?

0 = does not own

Code = 1 if Q9 = 1, 2, or 3

1 = alone only

Code = 0 if Q9 = 0e

2 = jointly only

3 = alone & jointly

Land ownership

Do you own any land? (DHS,

0 = does not own

Code = 1 if Q10 = 1, 2 or 3

1 = alone only

Code = 0 if Q10 = 0e

2 = jointly only


3 = alone & jointly

  1. aDue to skip pattern, italicized codes are investigator-derived from combinations of other DHS questions. bQuestion is skipped if respondent woman does not earn cash. cCodes not shown: 3 = respondent and other; 5 = someone else; 6 = other; 8 = don’t know. dIf she: goes out without telling him, neglects the children, argues with him, refuses sex, or burns food. [e] Includes 8 = don’t know.