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Table 3 Management steps followed in cases of uterine atony (n = 25)

From: Evaluation of compliance and outcomes of a management protocol for massive postpartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan

Steps of protocol

Frequency (%)

1. Syntocinon 10 units (upto four doses given)

24 (96.0)

2. Syntocinon infusion (40 units) started

25 (100)

3. Misoprostol (600-800 mcg)

18 (72.0)

4. PGF2 alpha (5 mg)

4 (16.0)

5. Balloon tamponade

15 (60.0)

6. EUA done and proceeded

2 (8.0)

7. Uterine/vaginal packing done

8 (32.0)

8. Syntocinon infusion (80 units) started

16 (64.0)

9. Laparotomy for atony performed

0 (0)

10. B- lynch suture applied

6 (24.0)

11. Internal iliac vessel ligation

0 (0)

12. Hysterectomy performed

3 (12.0)