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Table 2 Additional Qualitative Results

From: Diabetes care in remote Australia: the antenatal, postpartum and inter-pregnancy period

Additional Themes

Supporting Extracts

Accessing care

Barriers to accessing care

Sometimes when you go up there for what should be you know a quick five or ten-minute thing […] but you might have to wait for a long time. Those kind of factors. I think people get fed up with – you know understandably (Remote Diabetes Educator)

Other factors

Their relationship with the clinic. And some people don’t feel comfortable in their community clinics. Some – don’t find them comfortable places to be. How busy they are with other things or how many other children they have. Whether they are working. Whether they’re understanding things. The timing of things. (Remote Diabetes Educator)

Transience of women living in remote areas also challenges continuity of care in the post-partum period. As a General Practitioner said, ‘I think the other big problem is that people just drop out of the system.’

Many participants described how post-partum diabetes follow up was often opportunistic. Women’s ‘main reasons for engaging in this service […] after they’ve had the baby, it’s mainly [for] the baby – not necessarily the GDM.’

Pre-conception care

Pre-pregnancy planning from a young age

Young teenage girls that are diagnosed with Type 2, I am talking with them from the get-go about pre-pregnancy planning. The same as we would for Type 1’s. We’re talking to them from the age of eleven on. We’re starting to talk about pre-pregnancy planning. (Diabetes Educator)

Whose responsibility is it?

Who is it that spends most time talking to women about pregnancy and babies? They’re the ones that need to talk about it.’ (Remote Diabetes Educator)

Reported understanding of the importance of contraception & glucose control

I’ve actually had a couple [of women] in a couple of communities that have come back out to me saying “I want to get my Implanon out, but I need to see you first. I need to talk to you about where my sugars have got to be.” (Diabetes Educator)

Reported increased awareness among some women

… other women in the community have noticed, and I’ve actually had a few from [that community] that have actually come in [to clinic] wanting to do the pre-pregnancy planning – because they don’t want what happened to her to happen to them. (Diabetes Educator)