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Table 1 Focus group semi-structured question guide

From: Experiences regarding nutrition and exercise among women during early postpartum: a qualitative grounded theory study

General Questions about Pregnancy Experiences

• How satisfied were you with how you managed your own care related to nutrition, exercise, and weight gain during your pregnancy?

• What were some of the challenges or things that made it easy to get the information you wanted about your health in pregnancy?

 ◦ Probe: To what extent do you feel you could control these factors?

• How did your nutrition and exercise practices change during pregnancy?

 ◦ Please describe any specific pregnancy issues that impacted this.

• How realistic were the goals for weight gain set by you or your health care provider?

• Please describe things you did to manage your weight gain in your pregnancy.

• Please describe any pregnancy related complications you experienced associated with diet, exercise or weight gain.

• How did your body image change during your pregnancy?

General Questions about Postpartum Wellness

• How do you feel about nutrition and exercise now that you have your baby?

• What are some challenges or things that make it easy to enjoy healthy eating and exercise at this point in your life?

• How concerned are you about weight loss in this postpartum period?

• How easy do you think it will be to lose pregnancy weight?

• What will be the main ways in which you plan to lose weight gained in pregnancy?

• What type of help would be useful while trying to lose weight gained in pregnancy?

• How would you approach eating, exercise and weight gain differently in a future pregnancy?

• What has been an important lesson you have learned about wellness during this pregnancy and postpartum time period?