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Table 5 Multivariable logistic regression analyses examining the moderating effect of high-risk pregnancy a on the association between homocysteine and placenta-mediated complications, n = 7587

From: The role of maternal homocysteine concentration in placenta-mediated complications: findings from the Ottawa and Kingston birth cohort

Outcome variable

Odds ratio (95% CI) for 5 μmol/L increase b

p-value c



Any placenta-mediated complication (759 events d)

2.368 (1.239, 4.525)

1.595 (1.176, 2.163)


SGA (512 events d)

2.474 (1.050, 5.828)

1.821 (1.276, 2.597)


Preeclampsia (227 events)

2.839 (1.187, 6.792)

1.308 (0.743, 2.302)


  1. aHomocysteine*High-risk pregnancy (Factor + higher order factors)
  2. bModel adjusted for maternal age, race, education, parity, smoking, hormonal birth control, folic acid supplementation, serum folate, gestational age at blood work
  3. cWald test of most meaningful hypotheses, pooled across multiple imputation datasets
  4. d79 Missing outcome values imputed