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Table 4 Incidence rate ratios and population attributable fractions of stillbirths, early neonatal deaths, and perinatal deaths during pregnancy by maternal complications

From: Antepartum complications and perinatal mortality in rural Bangladesh



Early neonatal deaths

Perinatal deaths

Adjusted IRR (95% CI)

PAF % (95% CI)

Adjusted IRR (95% CI)

PAF % (95% CI)

Adjusted IRR, 95% CI

PAF, % 95% CI


3.7 (2.3–5.9)

7.5 (3.6–11.2)

3.5 (2.0–6.1)

6.2 (2.1–10.2)

3.5 (2.4–4.9)

6.8 (4.2–9.3)

Probable infection

1.1 (0.7–1.6)


1.5 (1.1–2.2)

7.8 (0.1–14.9)

1.3 (1.0–1.7)


Probable PIH

1.8 (1.3–2.5)

14.7 (6.4–22.3)

1.3 (0.9–1.8)


1.5 (1.2–1.9)

10.4 (4.7–15.7)



20.7 (12.3–28.2)


13.1 (5.3–20.2)


16.2 (10.4–21.5)

  1. All three Poisson regression models are adjusted for maternal age, parity, and household wealth
  2. APH, antepartum hemorrhage, PIH, pregnancy induced hypertension, PAFs were estimated only for maternal complications found to be significantly associated at p < 0.05 with specific outcomes in Poisson regression analyses, IRR, incidence rate ratio, PAF, population attributable fraction