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Table 4 Human resources

From: A realist review of the partograph: when and how does it work for labour monitoring?


No of studies

Evidence synthesis


Is there sufficient availability of personnel to enable effective partograph use?

n = 9

Staff shortages and a heavy workload appear to negatively impact partograph use.

Some health workers find the partograph time-consuming to complete.

The was some evidence to suggest the partograph is completed in retrospect

The partograph can successfully be completed by non-professional cadres.

**Low [23, 25, 33, 43, 48]

*Low [29, 30, 32, 49]

What supervision and mentoring of staff is required?

n = 3, plus 1 audit

Supervision may have a positive influence on partograph completion and use.

Audit and feedback of findings to staff may improve completion rates and quality of completion.

**Low [23]

*V low [28, 37, 50]