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Table 7 Prevalence of recorded observations of verbal abuse and lack of privacy from partitions during examination and any aggression and privacy violations during delivery among maternity care clients whose care was observed as part of the Heshima project at baseline (2011) and endline (2014) in 13 facilities in Kenya, n = 1,200*

From: The effect of a multi-component intervention on disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Kenya


Baseline (n = 677)

Endline (n = 523)


% (n)

% (n)

OR (95 % CI)a


During examination

 Non-consented careb

60.7 (410)

80.8 (420)

3.43 (2.52 – 4.66)

< .0001

 Verbal abusec

18.1 (122)

14.0 (72)

0.77 (0.55 – 1.09)


 Lack of privacyd

33.7 (227)

12.8 (66)

0.26 (0.19 – 0.36)


During delivery

 Physical aggression

3.8 (24)

0.4 (2)

0.11 (0.03 – 0.48)


 Verbal aggression

10.8 (68)

7.1 (33)

0.68 (0.44 – 1.06)


 Lack of privacye

91.6 (581)

79.3 (368)

0.31 (0.20 – 0.48)

< .0001


 Shared bed

32.9 (210)

44.3 (198)

1.74 (1.33 – 2.28)

< .0001

  1. *Missing values < 11 %
  2. aEndline vs. baseline; facility as a random effect to account for clustering
  3. bNot obtaining permission or consent before vaginal exam
  4. cUse of harsh tones, shouting, or non-dignified language
  5. dNo partitions or partitions not closed
  6. eNot covered while being moved from per-labor ward to delivery room; not covered (excluding perineal area) during delivery; partitions not closed