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Table 5 Recommendations to improve ANC in Mozambique

From: Challenges and opportunities for implementing evidence-based antenatal care in Mozambique: a qualitative study

Strengthen delivery of care by (1) defining an integrated package that includes standardized tools for supervision; (2) adapting training models according to health care providers’ professional requirements, and (3) simplifying and updating protocols for ANC interventions.

Defining and strengthening a strategy for the organization of services delivery at the health facility level by addressing human resources efficiency while defining and developing a strategy for task shifting and realistically assessing the number of patients that can be attended by each provider.

Involve the community by disseminating information about the importance of each component of ANC, and pregnant women’s right to attend antenatal care for their health and the health of their unborn baby.

Regarding the supply chain for products required for the ANC interventions, we recommend to:

Introduce the use of an ANC kit system containing the necessary medicines, health commodities, laboratory supplies, equipment; provide adequate storage place for the kits that would give the provider easy and quick access to the necessary supplies.

Develop protocols for the procedures of obtaining and maintaining the stock of supplies required for implementation of the ANC package; introduce a tracking sheet to monitor the stock levels of the supplies.

Predefine a format for ordering products for the ANC package: use the number of ANC consultations as the basis for determining needed supplies.

Improve coordination and follow-up of medicines and health supplies by designating one person at the health center responsible for assessing the availability of the products necessary for ANC.